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Celebrities With Scoliosis

Lamar Gant’s Scoliosis Story

Lamar Gant – World Record Powerlifter There’s a common misconception that scoliosis is caused by weakness. That if the person merely worked out or strengthened this “weaker” side of the body their scoliosis would disappear. This is simply not true for idiopathic scoliosis and demonstrates a basic misunderstanding of the condition. Though the exact cause … Read more

Animals With Scoliosis

tHe BiZaRrE wOrLd oF sCoLiOsIs Animals with Scoliosis Just like people, animal can exhibit scoliosis—even house pets. The images below show regular house cats that just happen to have scoliosis. In fact, the image on the right is from a pet rescue website and they note that Scoli (aptly named) is inhibited in no way. Much like … Read more