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Scoliosis Research, Articles, and Resources

Dr. Andrew Strauss and the treatment staff at Strauss Scoliosis Correction always keep their fingers on the pulse of scoliosis research and information. Here, we provide you with a collection of some of the most important and relevant resources on scoliosis and treatment options for those suffering from scoliosis. Go ahead and take a look. If at any time you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at (845) 624-0010 or contact us for quick and easy answers to your scoliosis questions.

Research Filters
Scoliosis in Children

How Should Children with Scoliosis Carry their Backpacks?

Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, and for children dealing with this condition, everyday activities can pose unique...
Scoliosis in Adults
When people think of scoliosis they think of children and teens with crooked backs. In reality, many adults suffer from scoliosis. The popular medical approach to...
Scoliosis Treatments
Life-Changing Treatment Without Surgery For over thirty-nine years, Dr. Andrew Strauss has relieved the pain and improved the quality of life for thousands of...
Scoliosis in Children
scoliosis treatment for child - surgery
Scoliosis Treatments
There are a variety of scoliosis treatments available, and it can be difficult to make sense of them all.  This article provides you with...
Scoliosis Treatments
Living with a significant scoliosis can be a real challenge. Each day can bring pain, discomfort and embarrassment with physical appearance.  There is also...
Scoliosis Treatments
In the past, scoliosis braces were reserved for immature, adolescent spines. More than 8.3% of all adults over the age of 25 have scoliosis*,...
Scoliosis Treatments
Advanced Brace Designs PLUS Regular Physician Supervision A system of Scoliosis Bracing that really works! I see many cases of children that have been...
Scoliosis in Adults
What you don’t know about adult scoliosis can cause you unnecessary pain. But there is something you can do. Does your scoliosis leave you...
Scoliosis Treatments
When I speak with patients or their parents or read comments on our site, one of the most common phrases is “I wish I...
Scoliosis Treatments
Scoliosis is an abnormal side-to-side curvature in the spine. About 2-3% of the population under age 20 and as much as 60% of those...
Scoliosis Treatments
A Scoliosis Treatment Program That Works For You We treat school age kids and college age patients from all over the US and all...