What our patients are saying
At Strauss Scoliosis Correction, we’ve helped over 10,000 scoliosis patients eliminate pain and stabilize their curves. Here’s what they have to say about their treatment.*Individual results may vary.
Watch how 30 years of scoliosis pain was relieved within 1 week.
“Within one week, you helped me more than the fifteen other doctors, physiatrists, chiropractors – everyone I saw – did in twenty, thirty years.”
– Wendy (adult patient), New York
Watch how a patient dropped a brace in favor of exercise treatment.
“We did not want surgery. Definitely try this before anything else. My upper curve got reduced significantly and so did my lower curve. This had a really positive result for me.”
– Jane (age 14), New Jersey
Watch why a mother refuses the “wait and see” approach to scoliosis.
“We stumbled upon you and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us as a family. It’s been fantastic coming here and the results we’ve been getting are remarkable. We couldn’t be happier.”
– Mother of Julie (age 13), New York
I searched Google and found out about Dr. Strauss’s method of treatment. We decided to see Dr. Strauss because, in France, we don’t have intensive treatment and this equipment.
We tried Kinesitherapy in France, osteopaths, swimming. They wanted to go faster and they hurt Nicolas. Dr. Strauss takes care so the patient has no pain and the equipment is very appropriate with exercises and special equipment to correct scoliosis.
Nicolas has a serious scoliosis and it is a long road ahead. We know Nicolas has a strong scoliosis and it’s hard work but we don’t give up and we see improvements.
Thank you Doctor Strauss!

We had a good impression from the reviews we read. We chose Hudson Valley Scoliosis because it offers new alternatives to treat scoliosis. We liked everything about your center.
We were very satisfied. Usually Sami does not like hospitals or doctors, but this time it was different. He wants to spend more time at your center. The staff is very friendly. Dr Strauss is a wonderful and professional doctor.
Consider Hudson valley Scoliosis before making any decision about surgery or bracing. This center will teach you a lot about scoliosis. Other doctors just tell you to wait and watch which is a big lie.

We hoped to improve our daughter, and we felt this was our only hope. The center was very nice and friendly and Dr. Strauss is a real nice guy. Yasmine really likes him. This is Yasmine’s 2nd round and she likes how everyone here treats her like family.
After returning for our follow up (4 months later) and seeing good results, we know its worth the trip. The only thing I would like to see is a place like this in Ontario. We need a place like this.
We would tell people to come here and try this out before surgery. We DID tell people how we are happy with Dr. Strauss.
I am a MD, I myself noticed first that my daughter had a scoliosis. I took her to many ortho-spine specialist doctors, and all did nothing. Just wait and observe. I found this center on the internet and researched about it and finally made an appointment.
I am 100% satisfied with Dr. Strauss and his team, and the customized approach of treatment for each different type of scoliosis. I really thank Dr. Strauss and all his team. They are too good, caring, professional…whatever I write for Dr. Strauss & team is less! Amazing people doing a good job. Almighty bless you all!
Please do not go for surgery, what ever type of curve you have, it can be brought down by Dr. Strauss. Just try to visit Dr. Strauss and get it corrected. Surgery is not at all needed unless the curvature is making problems for the internal organs.
The improvement I experienced the first time I was here prompted me to come back again. Very Satisfied. All staff and Dr Strauss are professional and caring and go out of their way to make the experience as comfortable as possible.
After treatment, when back home, I am so pleased that I am able to send photos to Dr Strauss and receive feedback. I consider this a huge benefit.
I had always been led to believe that my scoliosis would continue to progress as I aged and eventually I would have no other choice than surgery. Dr Strauss has changed all this for me. My scoliosis has improved more than I thought was possible. I am able to manage my scoliosis much better with the home programme. I am not in pain and psychologically, I no longer find the scoliosis as terrifying as I did before. Finding Hudson Valley Scoliosis has been an enormous blessing!

I didn’t want to go through scoliosis surgery and so investigated alternative treatment options. Hudson Valley Scoliosis happened to be close to my home.
I am very satisfied. Everybody was pleasant and cordial. Dr. Strauss was able to answer all my questions. What is important to me, is that I learn as much as I can about my own body and receive individually-based treatment.
Do your research. Surgery is only justified in a few extreme cases, has high rates of complication, and does not guarantee improvement. If you are a teenager with scoliosis, be sure to wear your brace, if you have one, and do your CLEAR exercises. As someone who didn’t learn about these until his 20s, let me tell you that chronic physical pain is not something I would recommend–preventive healthcare is always, always your best option.
I chose HVS because of all the great successful reviews I read. I am very satisfied with the care and treatment my daughter is receiving. Dr. Strauss is a very kind and caring doctor and has a wonderful staff.
I would tell anyone considering doing surgery please come and do treatments with Dr. Strauss.

We chose Hudson Valley Scoliosis because of location, CLEAR certification, and Dr Strauss’s obvious dedication to the field and to staying well informed of new findings.
Quite satisfied. Many pluses staff (Alex, Darleen) very capable and caring. Dr Strauss’s ongoing adjustments of care and appliance throughout the program. Being straight with me before and during treatment about what could be fixed. Dawn and Heather very responsive. Good upbeat atmosphere.
I was searching on the internet for scoliosis treatments and I found your center. HVS homepage was very impressive. I read the homepage, watched the videos, and decided to come here for treatment. In Europe there weren’t scoliosis treatments like CLEAR, and we wanted to try this method. We would like to do anything to improve our daughter’s scoliosis to avoid surgery and wearing a brace for years.
We didn’t regret it! Laura’s back got better. It improved a lot. It was good to be here, and to return for a 1 week follow up treatment. And the results are really impressive for Laura (for us).
We are satisfied with the program. Dr Strauss told us the proper information, and everybody in the staff was very kind and helpful. Thank you all for your help in everything.
I suggest this kind of treatment to everyone who has scoliosis. The treatment is not painful, and the exercises are not complicated, but effective. I would recommend to come here, and try this treatment before surgery. It’s worth it. Surgery would be the last thing to do, when nothing helps. Conservative therapies can help to avoid surgery. I believe in this. To do these exercises are not a big effort, but with them you can have a big gain.

A friend of ours had a program here and recommended it. We liked the efficiency and the care the staff had.
Very satisfied because they are very thorough and with their instructions, what they have done can leave a long term effect. This is a very fine establishment.
Hudson Valley Scoliosis is truly the best form of treatment. It has helped us very much and we will continue to stay grateful to them.
If you are considering bracing or surgery, don’t decide just yet. Come here, to Hudson Valley Scoliosis, so that you can get treatment, and see if surgery or bracing is needed.
I chose Hudson valley Scoliosis because of all the good experiences that I heard about and we had a friend that came to you and that’s how I found out about the treatment.
I liked it. Everyone was very nice and extremely professional and knowledgeable.
I am very satisfied. I noticed a change almost immediately.
Make bracing or surgery a last resort.

I found the web page of the Hudson Valley Scoliosis Center. I also read more about the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute and it all sounded most logical to me. The email exchange of information with doctor Strauss and his team was quick and very professional.
Doctor Strauss and the whole team are very professional, thorough, caring, friendly and pleasant to deal with. We are very impressed. The program of care is really well organized.
Make your own research of the scoliosis treatment options. You might not be getting thorough information from your orthopedic surgeon or your physiotherapist, either because they do not know about all the options or because there is never enough time to discuss the problem in detail during the regular check-ups.
Come to Hudson valley Scoliosis Center and try this way of treatment; particularly if the treatment you have been trying at home does not seem to work for you. The sooner, the better chance for improvement.