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Scoliosis Research

How can Digital Motion X-ray Provide Efficacy of Care Program

digital motion x-ray

*RESEARCH VIDEO (Patients do not receive DMX as standard treatment protocol) DMX or “Digital Motion X-ray” is a type of fleuro-based X-ray coupled with digital and optic technology which allows clinicians to view the spine in real time motion. By subjecting all the therapies, exercises, and spinal manipulations to scrutiny under digital motion X-ray, Dr. … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Treating Mild Scoliosis

More Evidence That Early Treatment for Mild Scoliosis is Beneficial Between 1991 and 1992 the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) recruited over 14,000 expectant mothers in South-West England. Researchers then followed up with the children of these mothers at regular intervals. At age 15 the team identified whether or not spinal curvatures of 6 … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Determining the Risk of Progression

Can the Likelihood of Your Child’s Scoliosis Progressing be Predicted? A new study (ahead of publication) looks at determining the risk of progression for adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis during the peak of their growth. Researchers did this by evaluating curve size in relationship to stages of skeletal maturity to identify predictable changes. Skeletal maturity has been typically determined by … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Post-Surgical Improvement

An article published in the June 2012 Scoliosis followed 40 patients with Adolescent Idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) who underwent surgical fusion with rods and hooks. Surprisingly, researchers only found a post-operative improvement of less than 50%. A further surprise, after a 5 year follow-up the average loss of correction was almost another 10% suggesting the initial … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Vertebral Body Stapling

Vertebral Body Stapling – State of the Art Scoliosis Surgery? Latest Research Says Why at this Time it CANNOT Replace Modern Scoliosis Bracing or even Invasive Spinal Fusion Surgery. The current standard medical approach to nonsurgical treatment for Idiopathic Scoliosis is limited to observation and bracing. Meaning, though other treatment methods exist, patients are generally advised … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Complications After Surgery

Much of the research on scoliosis surgery in adolescents seeks to outline any risk factors that may result in failure. With Adult Scoliosis the goals of surgery become different: decompression of stenosis, restoring spinal balance, and improving deformity, pain and disability. Adult Scoliosis surgery is accompanied by high rates of major complications (28-54%), readmission (11-20%), … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Hormones and Scoliosis

NEW Study Seeks Connection Between Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) and Puberty Scoliosis in teenagers is one of the most frequent forms of postural distortion and it occurs predominately in pubescent girls. The authors theorize that because of this, one of the many factors that may contribute to the expression of AIS must involve a significant deficiency of … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Is Scoliosis Hereditary?

Will you pass scoliosis onto your children? Genetic Breakthrough for Idiopathic Scoliosis– What Impact (if any) Will it Have? An international France-Canada research team announced their discovery of the first gene causing scoliosis occurring in families. “To date, many genes have been suspected of causing scoliosis amongst different populations, but the gene that causes the … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Can Exercise Help?

Types of Muscle This is a technical article revealing a behind the scenes perspective on why specific types of exercise therapy is so effective in treating scoliosis. Skeletal muscle is a form of striated muscle tissue (a form of fibers that are combined into parallel fibers) controlled by the somatic nervous system (associated with the … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Post-Surgical Pain

Very Disturbing Report on Scoliosis Surgery Pain–Recently Published (2013) When severe scoliosis in teenagers progresses to a point at which lung and heart function are compromised, surgery can become a necessary intervention. Spinal fusion surgery is a very complex and invasive elective surgical procedure that can result in excruciating postoperative pain. A 2013 study detailed … Read more