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Strauss Method

How Many Exercises does a Strauss Method Program for Scoliosis Consist of?

Strauss Method Program for Scoliosis

Scoliosis, a condition characterized by the abnormal curvature of the spine, affects individuals in various ways, necessitating tailored treatment approaches. Dr. Andrew Strauss, a renowned expert in scoliosis treatment, has developed the Strauss Method, a comprehensive program that includes exercises, self-correction techniques, daily activities, stretching, and neuromuscular education. So let’s delve into the details of … Read more

The Strauss Method For Scoliosis Treatment

Life-Changing Treatment Without Surgery For over thirty-nine years, Dr. Andrew Strauss has relieved the pain and improved the quality of life for thousands of scoliosis patients who sought scoliosis pain relief without surgery. The Strauss Method is a unique combination of the most advanced research-based scoliosis treatments, customized by Dr. Strauss for each patient. By … Read more