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Scoliosis Shoulder Pain: Causes and Treatment Options

shoulder pain scoliosis

Scoliosis and Shoulder Pain

If scoliosis shoulder pain develops, it will most often develop on the shoulder that is not affected by the curve first. Therefore, if your spine curves to the left, you can expect the right shoulder will show first signs of shoulder pain. The reason for this is due to the pulling of the tendons and muscles as the body tries to overcompensate and pull the spine back into normal position.

In addition to the initial signs of shoulder pain, as scoliosis progresses without treatment, there is a risk that the other shoulder may also begin to experience pain as it holds the weight of the body as the spine curves in that direction. As a result, the shoulder pain will become bilateral which leads to increased disability.

scoliosis shoulder pain

The pain in the shoulders is expected and will continue without treatment. An exercise-based scoliosis care program with neuromuscular re-education protocols can help relieve stress on the shoulder and alleviate associated pain.

Scoliosis can contribute to many health issues but shoulder pain is not often thought of as a consequence of scoliosis. Scoliosis shoulder pain should be considered with all types of scoliosis as a potential health risk. Treatment is necessary to effectively prevent and decrease scoliosis shoulder pain when the shoulders begin to feel the pull of the spinal curvature.

For more on Scoliosis Pain:

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