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What are the 5 Best Exercises for Scoliosis

Best Exercises for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, often presenting challenges in posture and movement. While the severity and type of scoliosis may vary from person to person, incorporating specific exercises into a routine can help manage and improve the condition. Dr. Andrew Strauss explores the five best exercises for scoliosis, emphasizing the importance of targeted stretching, core strengthening, derotational exercises, and neuromuscular education.

1. Targeted Stretching: A Foundation for Improvement

The foundation of any scoliosis exercise program lies in targeted stretching. Since scoliosis involves an abnormal curvature of the spine, individuals with this condition often experience tightness and tension in specific muscles. The first step in designing an effective exercise routine is identifying the areas that require stretching.

Common target areas for stretching in scoliosis include the muscles along the spine, hips, and shoulders. Gentle stretches that focus on lengthening these muscles can help alleviate tension and promote flexibility. It is essential to tailor the stretching routine to the individual’s specific needs, as scoliosis varies widely from case to case.

2. Core Strengthening: Building Stability and Support

Core strength plays a crucial role in supporting the spine and maintaining proper posture. For individuals with scoliosis, a comprehensive exercise program should incorporate core-strengthening exercises to enhance stability. Strengthening the muscles around the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis can contribute to better spinal alignment and improved posture.

Effective core exercises for scoliosis may include planks, abdominal crunches, and leg raises. These exercises target the muscles that support the spine, helping to reduce the impact of the abnormal curvature. As with stretching, the intensity and type of core exercises should be adapted to the individual’s condition and capabilities.

3. Derotational Exercises: Correcting Spinal Curvature

Addressing the specific type of spinal curvature is crucial in designing a targeted exercise routine for scoliosis. Derotational exercises focus on lifting the spine into correction, aiming to counteract the rotational component of the curvature. These exercises are tailored to the individual’s unique scoliotic curve, making them highly effective in promoting spinal alignment.

Derotational exercises may include rotational stretches, spinal twists, and asymmetric movements designed to engage and activate specific muscle groups. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a qualified fitness expert is advisable to ensure that these exercises are appropriate for the individual’s scoliotic condition.

4. Neuromuscular Education: Retraining Postural Mechanisms

Neuromuscular education is a specialized form of exercise that focuses on retraining the body’s postural mechanisms. This type of exercise is particularly significant for individuals with scoliosis, as it addresses the underlying neuromuscular imbalances that contribute to the condition. By reprogramming the body’s postural responses, neuromuscular education provides a foundation for the effectiveness of other exercises.

Exercises that enhance neuromuscular education often involve mindful movements, balance training, and proprioceptive exercises. These activities help individuals develop a heightened awareness of their posture and movement patterns, enabling them to make conscious adjustments to maintain proper spinal alignment.

5. Personalized Approach: Tailoring Exercises to Individual Needs

The fifth and final component of an effective scoliosis exercise program involves a personalized and adaptive approach. Given the variability in scoliotic curves and individual needs, tailoring exercises to specific conditions is paramount. A healthcare professional, such as a physical therapist or chiropractor, can provide valuable guidance in customizing an exercise routine based on a thorough assessment of the individual’s scoliosis.

Empowering Individuals with Scoliosis Through the Best Exercises for Scoliosis

The five best exercises for scoliosis form a comprehensive approach that addresses the unique challenges posed by this condition. Targeted stretching and core strengthening lay the foundation for improvement, while derotational exercises work towards correcting spinal curvature. Neuromuscular education acts as a catalyst, retraining the body’s postural mechanisms for enhanced stability. By adopting a personalized approach, individuals with scoliosis can empower themselves to manage their condition effectively and improve their overall quality of life through a well-rounded exercise program tailored to their specific needs. Always consult with healthcare professionals before starting any exercise program, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition like scoliosis.

Also read: Mild Scoliosis Treatment Options


Dr. Strauss is the director of the Hudson Valley Scoliosis Correction Center in New York. He has been actively engaged in scoliosis treatment for the past 30 years and has authored two books on the subject, Your Child Has Scoliosis and The Truth About Adult Scoliosis

He is Vice President of the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute and a lecturer for their introductory and advanced workshops.  He is certified in scoliosis bracing and in the use of  scoliosis specific exercises.  Dr. Strauss is a graduate of the ISICO World Masters of Scoliosis.His postgraduate studies also include a Masters Degree in Acupuncture as well as training in Grostic, Pettibon, CBP, Clinical Nutrition, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Manipulation under Anesthesia, and Electrodiagnosis.

His scoliosis practice has treated patients from 25 states and 32 other foreign countries.If you have questions about childhood and adult scoliosis and how it can be successfully treated without surgery subscribe to our channel!