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Corona Virus Update

We continue to monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation as health and safety are of the utmost importance to the Hudson Valley Scoliosis / Spine Care. The CDC and local health authorities believe the risk of exposure is low and they do not recommend, at this time, cancellation of your appointments. 

However, as is always the case, we ask that if you have a fever or flu-like symptoms to stay home and care for yourself.

In addition, we follow hygiene practices in the office such as these strategies to mitigate risk:

  • Our team are frequently wiping down high touch surface areas and door knobs
  • Equipment in the treatment areas are wiped down between patients
  • A sign with proper hand washing protocol is posted in the bathroom
  • We are in contact with local health agencies and will take additional actions as warranted

During this time of uncertainty, we will remain vigilant and caring to ensure our patients and their families remain strong. We also ask you to do your part, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the every-day personal and public health preventative actions recommended by the CDC.

Thank you for partnering with us and prioritizing the wellbeing of our precious patients, their families and our team here at Hudson Valley Scoliosis Correction Center / Spine Care.

As of the present moment, there are literally thousands of pages of statistical charts, journal articles, formal government reports and recommendations.  Below is a fact table based on up-to-date research, as of March 7, 2020. The table shares vital medical facts about COVID-19 along with comparative facts about other viruses. 

Yours in health,

Dr Strauss

COVID 19 corona virus fact sheet